Not being able to conceive despite frequent, unprotected sexual intercourse for at least a year or longer could be worrisome. A man’s inability to impregnate a woman can be stressful and frustrating for a couple.

Not being able to conceive despite frequent, unprotected sexual intercourse for at least a year or longer could be worrisome. A man’s inability to impregnate a woman can be stressful and frustrating for a couple.
In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a widely known advanced form of infertility treatment. It can treat most known causes of infertility. As one of the commonest types of Assisted Reproductive Techniques (ART), the goal of IVF/ICSI is conception.
Fertility assessment is the process by which fertility is evaluated. At their first visit, a fertility assessment is done for the couple to see where the issues may lay.
Welcome to Sameda Clinics Elective Egg Freezing Program. This package contains information about egg freezing that you are required to read before completing and signing your egg-freezing consent form.
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