Antenatal Care At Sameda Clinics, Lagos.

Antenatal Care At Sameda Clinics, Lagos.

Antenatal care is the routine health care of pregnant women without or without symptoms, to diagnose diseases or complicating obstetric conditions without symptoms, and providing information. about lifestyle, pregnancy, and delivery. The purpose of ANC (antenatal care) is to ensure that the outcome of pregnancy results in a healthy mother and baby.

Good care during pregnancy is essential for the health of the mother and the unborn child. Pregnancy is a crucial time to promote healthy behaviors. Good antenatal care also increases the chances of using skilled services at birth. Inadequate care during these periods breaks a crucial link in the continuum of attention and may affect both mother and baby. High-quality care before and during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postnatal period is an essential element in effective ANC.

Three major types of health problems may affect mothers and unborn babies.

  1. Complications of pregnancy itself.
  2. Pre-existing conditions that worsen during pregnancy.
  3. Effects of unhealthy lifestyles.

Given the above, Sameda Clinics, Lagos has outlined the minimum criteria for our ANC products and services as below:

  1. A booking visit should be done by 12-14 weeks of index pregnancy. There is an ANC clinic plan at our hospital which we expect all our pregnant patients to register and pay fully for at the time of booking.
  2. We will entertain only one paid visit for pregnant women who have presented to us for a second opinion from elsewhere where they have been booked. If they present a second time, they will be required to make full payment for ANC registration before they are attended to.
  3. A glucose tolerance test which is routinely done between 24-28 weeks of pregnancy is deemed as an important part of our medical reports for our patients who would like to travel elsewhere for their delivery. We expect all our ANC attendees to ensure this is done to prevent a delay in preparing their medical reports. Exemptions may be given in emergencies.
  4. Medical summaries and letters of fitness to travel will only be given to those who have paid their ANC registration fees in full, completed their booking investigations, done an anomaly scan between 18-20 weeks, and attended at least 6 clinic visits. There is a one-week duration for the preparation of such letters because of the backlog we always have. Those wishing to expedite the processing of their letters will be required to pay a token.
  5. Our pregnant women are also encouraged to attend our ANC class which is held on alternate Wednesdays between 10 am.
  6. All pregnant women presenting shall make payment in full at their ANC booking visit. 
  7. We wish all our ANC patients safe antenatal care and an even safer delivery.

Thank you.

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